Milwaukee Resources

Many Roads Clinic

Category:Addiction (other than AODA), Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse (AODA), Mental Health Services, Outpatient, Outpatient Treatment
Intake Procedure:Appointments only
Primary Clients Served:Adolescents, Adults, Children, Criminal Justice-Involved Clients, Families, Older Adults, Veterans/Veterans & Families, Women with Children
Type of Payment Accepted:Employer-sponsored /Marketplace Insurance Plans, Private pay

Many Roads Clinic
2510 E. Capitol Dr. ,
Shorewood, WI 53211
Phone: 414-975-8106
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8am - 6pm Tuesday 8am - 7:30pm


Many Roads Clinic (MRC) provides psychotherapy, counseling and other mental health services to a broad range of clients in the Milwaukee area. Inspired by the notion that there are many roads to recovery, MRC strives to meet the needs of it's clients by providing personalize and diverse evidence based practices and interventions. Our clinicians can help you address issues including but not limited to depression, anxiety, trauma, substance use, addictions, grief/loss, stress management, anger management and relationship/family stressors. MRC provides a safe, warm and nurturing environment for clients to grow and heal.                  ,

Last Updated: 4/16/2020 | Profile update request